On Sunday Grant, Brendan and I went for a ride down at the MN river bottoms on fat bikes. It was supposed to rain, but we lucked out and stayed dry from above, although we did get a little muddy from Saturdays rain. This was my first venture on the fat bike since last March or April, whenever we got our last snow. I've been trying hold off riding it because I know the winter is long (hopefully not as long as last year) and I'll get plenty of time with my beargrease. We rode from Sibley House, and found a couple sweet old cars from the 1950's that washed down there in a flood or something. We made it almost to the end of the river trail when Grant got a flat by a 1/2" wide stick. While we waited we drank a couple ham's in a can and then decided to turn back to make it before dark. Ended the ride with some free popcorn and not free beer at Lucky 13.